This game was made for the Kenney GameJam (48h).

Made by: & Me


The world is divided into two halves: The overworld and the underworld.

In the overworld, you can walk around and have to avoid enemies and spikes to not die. you control the hook on the rope in the underworld that is attached to you.

In the underworld, you have boxed that can be grabbed and released with the hook. Use them to press buttons, and activate pressure plates to open doors or to start the box-cannon!

Reach the flag as fast as possible to climb in the leader board.

Key bindings

  • Walk: A, D
  • Jump: Space
  • Control rope: W, S
  • Release box: R


This game was made with Unity, only using assets from Kenney for the visuals.


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Maybe some checkpoints? Also, you didn't set the game size in the build settings, so the sides of the screen clip into the gameplay, allowing you to play offscreen. Very fun though!